- Author: Simon Clark
- Artist: Alan M. Clark
- Page Count: 152
- Pub. Date: November 1, 2015
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-431-0
- Status: Out of Print
Bastion (Cemetery Dance Novella Series #25)
by Simon Clark
Cover and interior artwork by Alan M. Clark
About the Book:
I didn't know where I was or why I was there. I didn't even know my own name.
The first thing I heard was a boy shouting at me. He was about sixteen, had sticky-up ginger hair, freckles like a spatter of brown gravy over his face, and these huge green eyes that were full of fury.
The rush of the arrival disorientated me so much I couldn't even understand what he was yelling at me. At least, not at first.
My face burned. My eyes were sore.
At least I was awake. The dream was over.
I had been chosen. It was an honor. There's a great deal of horror to come...
Reviews to come...
Simon Clark lives in Doncaster, England. When his first novel, Nailed by the Heart, made it through the slush pile in 1994 he banked the advance and embarked upon his dream of becoming a full-time writer. Many dreams and nightmares later he wrote the cult classic Blood Crazy. Other titles include Darkness Demands, Stranger, On Deadly Ground, and The Night of the Triffids, which continues the story of Wyndham’s classic The Day of the Triffids. The Night of the Triffids has been adapted as a full-cast audio drama by Big Finish.
Simon's latest novel is Inspector Abberline & the Gods of Rome, a crime thriller featuring the real-life detective who led the hunt for Jack the Ripper.
Films, news, and tips on writing horror fiction, can be accessed at his website.
Published as a:
• Hardcover Limited Edition of 750 signed and hand-numbered copies bound in full-cloth and Smyth sewn ($30)