Cemetery Dance #54: Gaiman, Burke, Morlan, Richards
- Status: Out of Print
Issue #54
Cover art by Stacy Drum
Interior Art by Alex McVey, Steve Gilberts, Keith Minnion, Tom Moran, Will Renfro, Stephanie Rodriguez, Chad Savage
120 pages
"The Man Who Never Read Novels" by Eric Brown
"Snowmen" by Kealan Patrick Burke
"Nine Rocks in a Row" by Tony Richards
"Monkey Lot 9" by James Ireland Baker
"Chiaroscuro" by A.R. Morlan
"Still Life with Shattered Glass" by Loren Rhoads
"Closing Costs" by C.J. Henderson
"Toad Lily" by Nicholas Kaufmann
"The Tongue is the Sweetest Meat" by Tim Waggoner
"A Conversation with Neil Gaiman" by Steve Vernon
"Publishing Spotlight Featuring Elder Signs Press" by Peter Enfantino
"A Conversation with Roger Anker" by William P. Simmons
The Usual
Words From The Editors by Robert Morrish & Richard Chizmar
Stephen King News: From The Dead Zone by Bev Vincent
The Mothers And Fathers Italian Association by Thomas F. Monteleone
Waves Of Fear by Paula Guran
Mediadrome by Michael Marano
CD Reviews by Various