Cemetery Dance #66: Pronzini, Dowling, Tem, Lee

Cemetery Dance #66: Pronzini, Dowling, Tem, Lee

  • Page Count: 112
  • Pub. Date: April 2012
  • Status: Out of Print


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Issue #66

Publication Date: April 2012
Cover Artist: Steve Upham
Interior Artists: Kirk Alberts, Michael Apice, GAK, David Grilla, Chris Odgers, Will Renfro

Page Count: 112

"Lines" by Bill Pronzini
"Scree" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"Nightside Eye" by Terry Dowling
"Inside" by Jeremy C. Shipp
"The Vrykolakas and the Cobbler's Wife" by David Lee Summers
"Jimmy's Legacy" by Sophie Littlefield

"Feature Review: The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King" by Bev Vincent
"Making Strange: A Gothic Conversation with Terry Dowling" by Danel Olson
"Said the Joker to the Thief: The Edward Lee Interview" by Michael Lohr
"An Interview with Johnathan Maberry" by Nancy Greene
"An Interview with Joseph Nassise" by Désirée I. Guzzetta

The Usual Suspects
"Words from the Editor" by Richard Chizmar
"Stephen King News : From the Dead Zone" by Bev Vincent
"Fine Points" by Ed Gorman
"The Last 10 Books I've Read" by Ellen Datlow
"Editorial Perspectives" by Don D'Auria
"The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association" by Thomas F. Monteleone
"Horror Drive-In" by Mark Sieber
"MediaDrome" by Michael Marano
"Spotlight on Publishing" by Robert Morrish
"Cemetery Dance Reviews"
"The Final Question" by Brian James Freeman