Cemetery Dance #69: Hodge, Clark, Burke, Warren
- Status: Out of Print
#69: The End of the World Special Issue
Publication Date: April 2013
Cover Artist: Vincent Chong
Interior Artists: Glenn Chadbourne, GAK, Chris Odgers, Erin S. Wells, Erik Wilson
Page Count: 88
A Note From the Publisher:
This Special Issue features stories and non-fiction celebrating apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction.
"An Excerpt From The Weight of the Dead" a new novella by Brian Hodge
"Miracles for the Damned" by Simon Clark
"The Left Behind" by Kaaron Warren
"Mother / Nature" by Kealan Patrick Burke
"Marking the Passage of Time" by Brian James Freeman
"The Stand: Trivia From the End of the World" by Brian James Freeman, Kevin Quigley, and Bev Vincent
"Feature Review: After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling"
by Dave Simms
The Usual
"Words from the Editor" by Richard Chizmar
"Stephen King News: From the Dead Zone" by Bev Vincent
"The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association" by Thomas F. Monteleone
"Fine Points" by Ed Gorman
"The Last 10 Books I've Read" by Ellen Datlow
"MediaDrome" by Michael Marano
"Horror Drive-In" by Mark Sieber
"Spotlight on Publishing" by Robert Morrish
"Cemetery Dance Reviews"
"The Final Question" by Brian James Freeman