Plague House, a new comic from writer Michael W. Conrad and artist Dave Chisholm, will drop its first issue on April 2, and it’s described as “a deep and disorienting reinvention of the haunted house genre.” Cemetery Dance spoke to both writer and artist about their work on this comic, what Conrad discovered about himself while writing, and Chisholm’s longtime love of horror.
(Interviews conducted by Danica Davidson)
Michael W. Conrad Interview
CEMETERY DANCE: What was the inspiration for Plague House?
MICHAEL W. CONRAD: I become interested in the preconceived notions I take for granted, that are often untrue. Apples are red, carrots are orange kind of things…ones that don’t take us long to understand are simplifications, rather than hard truths. When we apply this kind of thinking to more exquisite matters, stories often show up. Plague House is a purple carrot.
You said as you worked on Plague House you discovered things about yourself that you’re not entirely comfortable with. Can you expand on this?
Yes. As a true crime person, I often confront my feelings about capital punishment. I remain squarely on the fence, but idealistically, I’m against it. Plague House is a bit of a meditation on what it takes to sate our need for revenge.
Where can people find out more about you and your work?
I have a woefully under updated website, and a tenuous relationship with social media. That said, I do try to remain accessible on most platforms, and I’m always happy to talk about stories and philosophy. My hope is that my work and perspective is appreciated, and that I’m seen by most as a conduit to your own relationship with the material I present. That said, if you catch me at a con or something, I think you’ll find me an agreeable sort, and a fast friend.
Dave Chisholm Interview
CEMETERY DANCE: You said you’ve always loved horror books, movies, and comics. Do you have any that were especially influential for you?
DAVE CHISHOLM: Oh gosh, so many! I was obsessed with the classic Universal horror movies when I was like 8 years old and would draw Wolfman, Frankenstein, and the Bela Lugosi Dracula over and over again back then. And I LOVE the film Bram Stoker’s Dracula, even with the bad acting! I saw it when it came out, when I was 10 or 11, because I had just read and obsessed over the book — and I’m sure my mom was HORRIFIED sitting in the theater with me! I also love Let the Right One In, The Exorcist, and House of the Devil, just off the top of my head!
For comics, I love all the classic stuff: Wrightson, Toth, Creepy, Eerie, and of course Hellboy!
How did you approach drawing this story?
I mainlined Toth Toth Toth and really put a ton of effort and thought into panel and page composition, making it as hard-hitting and beautiful as possible. Michael’s scripts are clear and give me just enough freedom to work my magic.
Where can people find out more about you and your work?
I’m on the usual medias — BlueSky, Insta, TikTok, and Facebook! I wish I could light them all on fire.