Kolchak Kickstarted Again! Kolchak Meets the Classic Monsters

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Cover of Kolchak Meets the Classic Monsters
Art by Dave Acosta

After successfully Kickstarting Kolchak: The Night Stalker 50th Anniversary Graphic Novel and  Jeff Rice’s original novel Kolchack: The Night Stalker, editor James Aquilone is back with a Kickstarter campaign for Kolchak Meets the Classic Monsters from Moonstone Books. Cemetery Dance spoke with Aquilone, along with writers Rodney Barnes and Steve Niles, both of whom are contributing stories, about this latest project in the world of Kolchak.  

(Interviews conducted by Danica Davidson)

James Aquilone

CEMETERY DANCE: You’ve been doing a lot of work with Kolchak! What can you tell us about your latest endeavor with Kolchak: The Night Stalker Meets the Classic Monsters?

JAMES AQUILONE: Though Carl has faced plenty of monsters throughout his career, he’s never come across the most legendary ones. I thought it was time that Carl met Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman. And being such a big fan of the Abbott and Costello monster movies, this series was just something I had to do. The project features three stand-alone comics, plus a deluxe hardcover that collects all the issues and adds bonus material… 

  • ISSUE #1 – “Kolchak Meets the Werewolf and Count Crowley” by David Dastmalchian and Lukas Ketner — a crossover with Count Crowley. Covers by Lukas Ketner and Matt Wagner.
  • ISSUE #2 – “Kolchak Meets Frankenstein” by Steve Niles and George Quadros. Cover by Russ Braun.
  • ISSUE #3 – “Kolchak Meets Dracula” by Rodney Barnes and Justin Lins. Cover by Colton Worley.
  • Kolchak Meets the Classic Monsters deluxe hardcover collection with a cover by Dave Acosta.

How did you find the creators for this new comic project?

For the most part, they found me. All the writers are big Kolchak fans, and while I was putting together the 50th anniversary graphic novel a few years back, I was made aware that they all wanted to write Kolchak stories. I’m big fans of each of them, so the Classic Monsters project was pretty easy to put together.

How are you keeping true to the spirit of the early Kolchak while also making up new stories about him?

We follow the original timeline and format of the original novel and series. As I said earlier, we’re all big fans so we want to see classic Kolchak stories. But, of course, it’s 50 years since the show was on the air, so you can’t help but bring something different to the stories. Our goal is to create classic Kolchak stories with a dash of modern sensibilities.

Can we expect more Kolchak from you in the future?

Absolutely. We have plans for a bunch more with Carl. If this project is successful, I’d like to do more Classic Monsters volumes and have stories with the Phantom of the Opera, Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.


Rodney Barnes

CEMETERY DANCE: How were you first introduced to Kolchak: The Night Stalker?

RODNEY BARNES: The TV movies of the week. The Night Stalker and Night Strangler were my first introduction to Kolchak. They were a gut punch. The perfect balance of horror, drama, and humor.

Can you tell us about your one-shot for Kolchak: The Night Stalker Meets the Classic Monsters

cover of Kolchak meets DraculaKolchak is going toe to toe with Count Dracula! Two of my favorite characters dueling it out for horror supremacy. The story is a classic revisiting of both characters’ histories while adding elements of specificity that hopefully will make it feel fresh and new.

You have experience writing for comics as well as writing for TV and film. What’s your experience writing in these different mediums?

Huge question! Each has their own rules and boundaries. With comics, my goal is to guide and support my partner, the artist. In television the goal is to tell a satisfying story while laying the breadcrumbs to the next story. In film, it’s world-building.

Can you tell us about your Zombie Love Studios?

Zombie Love Studios is my publishing imprint. Our plan over the next few years is to expand to TV, film, and podcasts. We’re looking to establish a brand like some of the horror houses; Blumhouse, MonkeyPaw, etc. The math of our storytelling? Horror and heart in equal parts.

We launched in 2023 with Blacula: Return of the King. Then came Florence and Normandie, Johnny Gatlin, and 20 Degrees Past Rigor this summer.

Where can people find out more about you and your work?

You can follow me on Instagram at TheRodneyBarnes. I also have a weekly substack rodneybarnes.substack.com


Steve Niles

CEMETERY DANCE: How were you first introduced to Kolchak: The Night Stalker?

STEVE NILES: I was just a kid, seven when the first TV movie aired. My parents let me watch stuff like this all the time. I recall seeing Frankenstein: The True Story and watching Night Gallery with them. I have distinct memories of watching the first Night Stalker TV movie. Two things always stuck with me. One, the vampire was scary and not romantic and goofy, and Kolchak was smart and reckless which was a combo I loved. I would go on to become a lifetime fan of the character. 

Can you tell us about your one-shot for Kolchak: The Night Stalker Meets the Classic Monsters?

I don’t want to give away too much, but Kolchak finds himself stuck between the Monster and the monster’s origins. I based the monster mostly on the book so he is not too happy with his legacy. 

page 5 from Kolchak Meets Frankenstein
Page from Kolchak Meets Frankenstein

You’ve previously worked with Frankenstein’s monsters in Frankenstein Alive! Alive! How are you approaching the character this time?

For Frankenstein Alive! Alive! we strictly used the monster from the novel because it was a sequel of sorts to the novel. For the Kolchak comic, I took a little from the novel and a little from all the movies that have shaped the creature. 

You’ve been writing horror comics for years. What have you learned from your experiences writing in this genre? 

It’s a total labor of love. I have loved the horror genre since I was a little kid so getting to spend my days coming up with new and entertaining ways to scare and creep people out is a thrill that never stops. 

Where can people find out more about you and your work?

I’m on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and always posting about what I’m up to. I’m currently working on a new Kickstarter and just started working for a new company but nothing has been announced yet.

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