Silverwood: The Door – An Interview with Richard Chizmar

Silverwood: The Door is the follow-up to Silverwood, an original video series from Tony Valenzuela’s Black Box TV (episodes are available on YouTube). Brian Keene acts as showrunner for a writers room featuring Richard ChizmarStephen Kozeniewski, and the Sisters of Slaughter – Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason. The result is a 10-episode series, released in weekly installments in both prose and audiobook formats beginning in October.  The team promises a mix of horror styles encompassing slashers, splatterpunk, psychological, Lovecraftian, and more.

Richard Chizmar is a New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Amazon, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author. He is the co-author (with Stephen King) of the bestselling novella, Gwendy’s Button Box. He has edited more than 35 anthologies and his fiction has appeared in dozens of publications, including multiple editions of Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and The Year’s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories. He’s also an accomplished screenwriter and the founder/guiding force behind Cemetery Dance. Recently, he took on another project: answering these questions about his work on Silverwood: The Door.

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COMING SOON: On This, the Day of the Pig by Josh Malerman!

We’re thrilled to report On This, the Day of the Pig by Josh Malerman, an original never-before-published novel by the acclaimed author of Bird Box and Unbury Carol, is headed to the printer and will be published later this year as a signed Limited Edition hardcover!

On This, the Day of the Pig

You can read more or order this special hardcover edition on our website!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: Skullface Boy by Chad Lutzke

Skullface Boy by Chad Lutzke
CreateSpace (August 2018)

202 pages; $9.99 paperback; $2.99 e-book
Reviewed by Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann

This book had me at the dedication:

Dedicated to the bullied, the parentless and the unique. May the shallow assholes one day envy you.

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The Collection by Bentley Little: New Trade Paperback Edition Shipping Now!

We’re very pleased to report our new trade paperback edition of Bentley Little’s classic collection of short stories — The Collection — is IN-STOCK and ready to ship!

How far would you go with a hitchhiker who’d left behind an unimaginable trail of horror and destruction?

How would you feel if your father’s new bride was something dredged up from the bowels of hell?

What would you do if you discovered an old letter suggesting one of America’s Founding Fathers had been a serial killer?

This is The Collection, thirty-two stories of hot blood and frigid terror that could have come only from the mind of Bentley Little!

The Collection

Read more or place your order now!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: The Sky Woman by J.D. Moyer

The Sky Woman: From Ringworlds to Earth, an Epic Struggle of Love and Survival by J.D. Moyer
Flame Tree Press (September 6, 2018)
288 pages; $24.95 paperback; $14.95 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

The Sky Woman: From Ringworlds to Earth, an Epic Struggle of Love and Survival by J.D. Moyer deftly combines multiple genres into a solid work which starts out reading much like your typical fantasy fare but goes places I never anticipated.Continue Reading

Dead Trees: The Drive-In by Joe R. Lansdale

The year was 1988. I had been a serious horror reader for years and things were really starting to get interesting. We had it all then. Big names, legends, were still publishing: Robert Bloch, Ray Russell, Manly Wade Wellman, Hugh B. Cave, and others. Newer writers like Dennis Etchison, Richard Christian Matheson, Ramsey Campbell, and Michael McDowell were getting into high gear. Writers were migrating from the SF field. And there was a new, streetwise style of horror breaking barriers, from writers like John Skipp, Craig Spector, David J. Schow, Ray Garton. It was a heyday, and it seemed like every new author on the scene I heard about was well worth my time and money.

So when I read a triple review by the great Stanley Wiater in Fangoria magazine about a writer named Joe R. Lansdale, I took notice. The reviewed works in question were Act of Love, The Nightrunners, and Dead in the West.Continue Reading

Silverwood: The Door – An Interview with The Sisters of Slaughter

Silverwood: The Door is the follow-up to Silverwood, an original video series from Tony Valenzuela’s Black Box TV (episodes are available on YouTube). Brian Keene acts as showrunner for a writers room featuring Cemetery Dance founder and publisher Richard ChizmarStephen Kozeniewski, and the Sisters of Slaughter – Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason. The result is a 10-episode series, released in weekly installments in both prose and audiobook formats beginning in October.  The team promises a mix of horror styles encompassing slashers, splatterpunk, psychological, Lovecraftian, and more.Continue Reading

Review: We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix

We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix
Quirk Books (September 18, 2018)
336 pages; $16.50 hardcover; $14.99 e-book
Reviewed by Blu Gilliand

The idea that rock ‘n roll is the Devil’s music is as old as a Robert Johnson blues riff. It’s an idea that’s been mined by countless musicians and writers over the years, to varying degrees of success. Leave it to Grady Hendrix, acclaimed author/historian of ’70s and ’80s horror fiction, to breathe new life into one of horror’s most well-worn tropes.Continue Reading

FLIGHT OR FRIGHT: Retail Stores Running Out of Stock!

IMPORTANT NEWS for Stephen King collectors:

Retailers severely underestimated how many copies of Flight or Fright edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent they would need and many locations ran out of copies on publication day! We’re rushing a second printing, but it won’t be completed until mid-October!

We have the remaining copies of the 1st Edition, 1st Printing available for purchase on our website, and this might end up being one of the most collectible Stephen King trade hardcovers in many, many years.

If you’re more inclined to read an eBook edition or you want a copy “for the road,” be sure to purchase the eBook from your preferred e-bookstore! Here are those links:
Barnes & Noble

If you’re more of a traditional print edition reader, please click on the link below for more information about our World’s First Trade Hardcover Edition and to see if we still have any copies available:

Flgiht or Fright

Read more or place your order while supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

My First Fright featuring Christopher Golden

I can’t tell you how many speculative fiction writers I’ve interacted with over the years who have expressed a deep respect for, if not a rabid obsession with, The Twilight Zone. It’s basically reached “sacred cow” status amongst genre writers, whether or not it’s had a direct influence on their writing (I know a few authors who pitch their books at cons as being “like The Twilight Zone,” myself included). In fact, the only author I can think of who I’ve ever seen express a somewhat-negative view of the show was Stephen King in his 1981 nonfiction book Danse Macabre. We’ll let this one pass, Mr. King.Continue Reading

Review: Foe by Iain Reid

Foe by Iain Reid
Gallery/Scout Press (September 2018)

272 pages; $17.10 paperback; $11.99 e-book
Reviewed by Sadie “Mother Horror” Hartmann

Fans of Iain Reid’s first novel I’m Thinking of Ending Things already want this book. They’re looking for more of what he delivered in his debut novel — that  “unique, slightly off-kilter, unsettling prose that grabs you and pulls you into the story until it’s over” kind of thing. Rest assured, he’s done it again.Continue Reading

Exclusive Audio Excerpt of Bev Vincent’s “Zombies on a Plane” from FLIGHT OR FRIGHT!

Get a sneak-listen of the Flight or Fright audiobook below! Read by an all-star cast featuring David Morse, Norbert Leo Butz, Christian Coulson, Graeme Malcolm, Elizabeth Marvel, Santino Fontana and Simon Jones, the audiobook also features a brand-new story and tailored introductions written and read by Stephen King himself.Continue Reading

Silverwood: The Door – An Interview with Stephen Kozeniewski

Silverwood: The Door is the follow-up to Silverwood, an original video series from Tony Valenzuela’s Black Box TV (episodes are available on YouTube). Brian Keene acts as showrunner for a writers room featuring Cemetery Dance founder and publisher Richard ChizmarStephen Kozeniewski, and the Sisters of Slaughter – Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason. The result is a 10-episode series, released in weekly installments in both prose and audiobook formats beginning in October.  The team promises a mix of horror styles encompassing slashers, splatterpunk, psychological, Lovecraftian, and more.Continue Reading