FLIGHT OR FRIGHT edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent: PUBLICATION DAY IS HERE!

Publication day for Flight or Fright edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent has arrived and we’re already hearing from the big chain retailers that they need way more copies than they expected!

We’re essentially out of 1st Edition, 1st Printing copies now, so for those of you who snagged one, we’d like to say congratulations! This might end up being one of the most collectible Stephen King trade hardcovers in many, many years.

If you’re more inclined to read an eBook edition or you want a copy “for the road,” be sure to purchase the eBook from your preferred bookstore while the pre-publication price is still in affect today! Here are those links:

Barnes & Noble

If you’re more of a traditional print edition reader, be sure to click on the link below for more information about our World’s First Trade Hardcover Edition and to see if we still have any copies available:

Flgiht or Fright

Read more or place your order while supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: The Siren and the Specter by Jonathan Janz

The Siren and the Specter by Jonathan Janz
Flame Tree Press (September 6, 2018)
288 pages; $24.95 hardcover; $14.95 paperback; $6.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

It was almost two years ago Jonathan Janz first came to my attention. I kept hearing about his novel, Children of the Dark. This is what I said in my review of that workThis is one time where all of the hype was dead on.Continue Reading

Revelations: Mary SanGiovanni

The aim of this column is to spotlight authors who have been instrumental in my development as a writer. Some of the writers I’ve covered have been legends in the field who are no longer with us; others more contemporary writers who are still very active and influential. I’m revealing them along a semi-chronological path of when I discovered them, not necessarily their publication dates. Today’s installment features a contemporary writer whose first novel had a huge impact on me, as does her continuing work: Mary SanGiovanni.Continue Reading

Review: Thirteen Days by Sunset Beach by Ramsey Campbell

Thirteen Days by Sunset Beach by Ramsey Campbell
Flame Tree Press (September 6, 2018)
288 pages; $24.95 hardcover; $14.95 paperback
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

No one writes horror like Ramsey Campbell, as evidenced by numerous accolades over the years, including a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Horror Writers Association, and the Living Legend Award of the International Horror Guild.

Thirteen Days by Sunset Beach is the latest book I’ve read from new publisher Flame Tree Press, and based on what I’ve seen so far, they will be a welcome addition to the marketplace. Continue Reading

Review: Severance by Ling Ma

Severance by Ling Ma
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (August 2018)
304 pages; $19.60 hardcover; $13.99 e-book
Reviewed by Blu Gilliand

I’ve read a post-apocalyptic novel or two in my day, and a common thread that runs through them is that when the bomb drops or the plague hits or whatever apocalyptic thing it is that happens happens, people stop going to work. The apocalypse, it seems, is an unimpeachable reason to play hooky.

Not so in Ling Ma’s entertaining, thought-provoking debut novel, Severance. In Severance, when the apocalyptic thing happens — in this case it’s a disease called Shen Fever — the unaffected minority keep going to work. For some, it’s a coping mechanism. For others, it’s the promise of a hefty bonus, or the idea that their loyalty to the company will get them ahead when this all blows over.

For Candace Chen, it’s a case of not knowing what else to do.Continue Reading

Firestarter and Standing Up to “The Man”

It’s easy to see why Stephen King’s Firestarter was nearly the novel we never read.

Abandoning his manuscript on several occasions, King felt the book was too much like Carrie and feared he would be copying himself. While Carrie White had telekinesis (the ability to move objects with her mind), Charlie McGee’s gift (or curse) in Firestarter is pyrokinesis — the ability to start fires with her mind. Both Carrie and Charlie are adolescents. Both have unnaturally co-dependent relationships with a parental figure. And, both are going through a painful process of learning how to control their extraordinary powers.Continue Reading

FLIGHT OR FRIGHT eBook Edition Available For Preorder Now on All Major Stories!

We’re thrilled to report the eBook edition of Flight or Fright edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent is now available for preorder on all of the major eBook stores! Here are the links for easy reference:

Barnes & Noble

If you’re more of a traditional print edition reader, be sure to click on the link below for more information about our World’s First Trade Hardcover Edition:

Flgiht or Fright

Read more or place your order while supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: Zombie Apocalypse in Ditmas Park

Zombie Apocalypse in Ditmas Park by Kristine Scheiner
CreateSpace (May 2017)

32 pages, $6.99 paperback
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Zombie Apocalypse in Ditmas Park: A NYC Coloring Book Adventure for Ghoulish Hacks to Chillax is exactly what it sounds like. New York is invaded by zombies, and the rich blew up the bridges, so Brooklyn is left to fend for itself. Readers follow the adventures of the Scheiner sisters as they prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse Party. What ensues is a joyful romp through a zombie-filled wasteland rich with in-jokes that would make any zombie fan or New Yorker proud.Continue Reading

Bev Vincent reviews Mr. Mercedes Season 2

Stephen King News From the Dead Zone

“I Feel Like He’s Still Among Us”

The creators of the Mr. Mercedes, the TV adaptation of Stephen King’s crime novels, were faced with a dilemma when the series was renewed for a second season. Protagonist Bill Hodges (Brendan Gleeson) doesn’t appear until 150 pages into the second novel, Finders Keepers, and his nemesis, Brady Hartsfield (Harry Treadaway) is effectively not in the book at all.

That’s easier to manage in a book than in a movie or TV series, where you can’t keep the talent in reserve. Viewers expect them to show up in the opening scenes and appear regularly throughout the season. Imagine The Empire Strikes Back, but with Han Solo in a coma for the entire film and Luke Skywalker not showing up until an hour in.
Continue Reading

On This, the Day of the Pig by Josh Malerman (Signed Limited Edition Hardcover!)

For those who missed the news, we’re thrilled to report we’ll be publishing On This, the Day of the Pig by Josh Malerman, an original novel by the acclaimed author of Bird Box, Unbury Carol, and Black Mad Wheel!

Read more on our website and don’t miss out on your chance to preorder this special edition hardcover!

On This, the Day of the Pig

You can read more or order the hardcover edition on our website!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: The Bad Neighbor by David Tallerman

The Bad Neighbor by David Tallerman
Flame Tree Press (September 6, 2018)
288 pages; $24.85 hardcover; $14.95 paperback; 
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

There’s a new publisher I think we’re going to hear a lot about in the coming months.  They call themselves Flame Tree Press and they plan to publish both established authors and new voices in horror and the supernatural, crime and mystery thrillers, as well as science fiction and fantasy. Continue Reading

Walking Alone by Bentley Little: Get a 1st/1st Trade Hardcover While You Can!

For those who missed the news, we still have copies of the 1st Printing, 1st Edition trade hardcover of Walking Alone by Bentley Little available via our online store!

Walking Alone

Read more or place your order while our supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!