Brand New T-Shirt Inspired by IT by Stephen King!

Brand New T-Shirt Inspired by IT by Stephen King!
Available For 13 Days and Then Gone Forever!

We’ve always wanted to try one of those t-shirt printing AND fulfillment companies (meaning they process the orders and ship the shirts on our behalf) and we finally came up with something we thought our Stephen King collectors would really love!

Designed by the minds behind our acclaimed Limited Edition of IT by Stephen King, this shirt will only be available for purchase for thirteen days… And when the ordering window closes, we’ll delete the design and never offer it again!

Place your order today because no more will be produced once time runs out!

IT T-Shirt

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Dead Trees: The Touch by F. Paul Wilson

I first read F. Paul Wilson’s The Touch way back in 1986. I was a twenty-five year old boy, rabidly in love with horror. And after The Keep, The Tomb, and some short pieces I had read, F. Paul Wilson was one of my favorite writers.

There’s a section near the beginning of The Touch. It’s describing a seafaring historical area of a small town…

The Illusion almost worked. He could almost imagine Ishmael, harpoon on shoulder, walking down the harbor toward the Pequod…passing the new Video Shack.

Well, nothing was perfect.

I loved that. I was a modern young man and I was head over heels for the home video explosion. It was a perfect time for me. A perfect time to be a horror fan.Continue Reading

Brand New Glenn Chadbourne Limited Edition Art Print!

It has been ages since we offered one of Glenn Chadbourne’s acclaimed Stephen King art prints, but over the weekend he sent us an ORIGINAL full-color painting inspired by King’s classic novel IT that we think will look awesome in your home, office, or personal library — so here we go again!

This painting will be reproduced as a stunning 11 X 17 LIMITED EDITION art print and it’ll be perfect for matting and framing if you’re so inclined. We’re limiting this one-time run to just 500 prints and 75% of them have already been reserved, so we don’t expect these to last long!

Place your order today because we will never issue a second printing!

IT Painting

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: The Hunger by Alma Katsu

The Hunger by Alma Katsu
G.P. Putnam’s Sons (March 2018)
384 pages; $16.00 hardcover; $13.99 e-book
Reviewed by Dave Simms

The release of Alma Katsu’s new historical horror novel brings with it comparisons to The Terror by Dan Simmons, even including both of them in social media ads. Do not be fooled. Yes, both authors bring impeccable research to fine stories and put you right there in the moment with ease. Both examine the human condition and how people can easily be turned to embrace their shadow selves, the monsters within the person.

Yet, there are a couple of major differences. Continue Reading

The Zombie Who Cried Human and Widow’s Point Audiobooks!

The Zombie Who Cried Human and Widow’s Point Audiobooks!
Value Priced and Available For Immediate Download!

It’s rare we dip into the audiobook realm, but we have some terrific news for audio fans!

* Our friends Greg and Sarah at Funemployment Radio have produced an audiobook for The Zombie Who Cried Human by Brian James Freeman and Glenn Chadbourne! The audiobook contains two reading of the story and is available for immediate download. The retail price is just $3.95, but Amazon and Audible have discounted the price to even less than that right now, so please check it out and let us know what you think:

Amazon * Audible * iTunes

* In addition, Richard and Billy Chizmar’s acclaimed novella Widow’s Point is now available on audio from Crossroads Press! To make this even cooler, one of our favorite writers, Chet Williamson, is the reader! Be sure to download your copy ASAP and drop us a line with your feedback:

Amazon * Audible * iTunes

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: Like Jagged Teeth by Betty Rocksteady

Like Jagged Teeth by Betty Rocksteady
Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing (April 2017)

118 pages, $11.95 paperback; $3.99 e-book
Reviewed by Anton Cancre

Betty Rocksteady appears to be a bit of a newcomer on the scene. I hadn’t seen her name or work prior to this year. However, if Like Jagged Teeth is anything to go on, she’s kicking the door right off its hinges.Continue Reading

Who is the True Villain in Carrie?

Stephen King’s first novel Carrie debuted on April 5th, 1974 with little to no fanfare. One might say that, like the novel’s title character, Carrie was always destined to be a late bloomer. Shy to the spotlight, you might find Carrie hanging out at your local library or bookstore, sitting there all but invisible upon the shelf. All the while, of course, Carrie held a great secret. A special power. Quiet and patient, Carrie was waiting to make her mark on the world, to have her revenge on those who had underestimated her, and to make Stephen King a household name. Continue Reading

Review: Stirring the Sheets by Chad Lutzke

Stirring the Sheets by Chad Lutzke
Bloodshot Books (April 2018)
130 pages; $8.99 paperback; $2.99 e-book
Reviewed by Blu Gilliand

Read enough horror, and you start feeling like you can predict where a book or story is going to go within a few pages or chapters. I’m not saying that all horror is predictable or formulaic; just that enough of it is that some reviewers (like me) might find themselves getting a little cocky after a few successful predictions. Then someone like Chad Lutzke comes along with a novella like Stirring the Sheets, and gleefully knocks you off your high horse.Continue Reading

Bev Vincent Reviews The Outsider by Stephen King

Stephen King News From the Dead Zone

Reality is Thin Ice
The Outsider by Stephen King

Reviewed by Bev Vincent

One of the themes of Stephen King’s 1986 novel It was the notion that adults lose the ability to believe in the kinds of things they embraced as children. Mike Hanlon contemplates this issue when he’s planning to summon his childhood friends back to Derry to confront the monster they defeated but did not destroy nearly three decades earlier. He wonders if they’re up to the task because their former ability to believe in the power of certain talismans gave them the strength to hurt Pennywise.

The inability to believe plays a major part in The Outsider. Continue Reading

Exhumed: “End of the Line” and “Seed”

Exhumed is my humble attempt to read and review every short story and novel excerpt ever published by Cemetery Dance magazine. In their 29 years of publication, that comes to over 550 pieces spread out over 76 issues. Since each Exhumed post covers just two pieces (one “old” and one “new”), I think I’m going to be doing this for a while. I sure hope you’ll join me along the way.

If so, then welcome, friend! Feel free to read each story along with me or just take it all in while I do the hard work and wax poetic with my observations.

Either way, grab your shovel and dig in. There’s no telling what we’ll unearth together.Continue Reading

Serial Box, Brian Keene introduce new fiction series SILVERWOOD: THE DOOR

If you follow Brian Keene on social media, you probably noticed he’s been teasing us all a lot lately. I don’t mean teasing in a mean, name-calling, bullying kind of way; I mean he’s been dangling a mysterious new project in front of us like a carrot on a stick. Finally, during a May 11 telethon that featured a rap battle and Keene wearing tights, among other things (oh, and that raised over $21,000 for the Scares That Care charity!), the beans were spilled: Keene has joined forces with Serial Box and a room full of talented horror writers to produce a new prose fiction series called Silverwood: The Door.Continue Reading

The Playwright by Kealan Patrick Burke, a very unique collectible!

In 2015, Biting Dog Press published THE PLAYWRIGHT, a limited edition hand-printed broadsheet written by Kealan Patrick Burke and printed with woodcuts and art by George A. Walker.

There were only 200 copies produced, each one BY HAND, and each was signed by the author and artist! We had a few tucked away in a safe place and this is an incredibly cool collectible!

The Playwrite

Read more or place your order on our website while supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: Blood Standard by Laird Barron

Blood Standard by Laird Barron
G.P. Putnam’s Sons (May 29, 2018)
336 pages; $26.00 hardcover; $12.99 e-book
Reviewed by Blu Gilliand

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

While The Godfather Part III is not the most revered entry in that series, that Al Pacino line is one of the franchise’s most memorable quotes. The idea behind it—the notion that people play certain inescapable roles in their life, no matter how hard they may try to change—is the basis for quite a bit of crime fiction, and it forms the backbone of Laird Barron’s new novel, Blood Standard.Continue Reading

Video Visions: There’s Spaghetti Sauce in My VCR—Why I Don’t Love Italian Horror

I’m going to be brutally honest here and you may try to take my horror club card away, but here goes.

I’m not a fan of Italian horror. I mean, at all. I am a fan of Italian women, so much so that I married one. But I digress. I know that people wax poetic over the artistry of Argento and the trippy avant garde mastery of Fulci, but at best, their movies leave me scratching my head. Or dead asleep. I tend to sleep a lot when I watch Italian horror. And this from a guy who can stay awake through The Haunting of Whaley House (as bland and uneventful as the actual Whaley House tour) and The Darkness (even Kevin Bacon can’t win them all). Continue Reading

A Game in the Sun and Other Stories by John Coyne!

We’re pleased to report we’ve sent another very special new project to the printer and it will be published later this summer!

A Game in the Sun and Other Stories by John Coyne is a stunning new collection by one of our favorite authors. For those who aren’t familiar with his work, this would be an excellent time to become acquainted with it!

John Coyne is the author of 25 books of fiction and non-fiction, including a bestseller, The Legacy, which was also a successful film starring Sam Elliott. His short stories have been included in several “best of” anthologies, such as Modern Masters of Horror and The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.

A Game in the Sun

Read more or place your order on our website while supplies last!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!