We’re thrilled to announce our next new signed Limited Edition hardcover headed to the printer, End of the Road by Brian Keene!
About the Book:
“My name is Brian Keene. I’m a writer by trade and a road warrior by heart. Neither of these things are wise career or life choices. The tolls add up.
Over the last twenty years, things have changed. Book tours have changed, publishing has changed, bookselling has changed, conventions have changed, horror fiction—and the horror genre—have changed. I’ve changed, too.
The only things that haven’t changed are writing and the road. They stay the same. The words we type today are the past tomorrow. Everything is connected like the highways on a map are connected. This holds true for the history of our genre, as well.
I rode into town twenty years ago. Now I’m riding out. You’re all coming with me…”
So begins Brian Keene’s End of the Road—a memoir, travelogue, and post-Danse Macabre examination of modern horror fiction, the people who write it, and the world they live—and die—in. Exhilarating, emotional, heartfelt, and at times hilarious, End of the Road is a must-read for fans of the horror genre. Introduction by Gabino Iglesias.
There are no other editions planned at this time, so don’t wait to reserve your copy today!
Every copy of this book purchased on CemeteryDance.com will include a FREE special bonus Limited Edition chapbook, On the Road with Brian Keene by John Urbancik. Just reserve End of the Road via our website and we’ll automatically send you the chapbook with your order!

Read more or place your order on our website!
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