Brian Keene’s History of Horror Fiction, Chapter Three: The Kaiju Invasion and Zombie Apocalypse of 2100 B.C.

Before we talk about The Epic of Gilgamesh, I want to touch on folklore, myths, and religion. As stated previously, my goal with this column is to present a history of horror fiction from primitive man up to today’s Kindle revolution. In doing that, I will undoubtedly anger some people. (Indeed, judging by the recent histrionics of the addled S.T. Joshi, I already have.) But while I’m happy to piss people off by claiming there’s common ground between quiet horror and splatterpunk, or discussing the possibility that America’s oldest mass market paperback publisher was partially funded by organized crime, it is not my intent to anger or offend anyone by disparaging their personal religious beliefs.Continue Reading

Cemetery Dance #76 Shipping Soon!

We’re pleased to announce Cemetery Dance #76 is basically done at the printer and subscriber copies will be flying out the door shortly!

This issue features short stories by Ray Garton, Danny Rhodes, Mariano Alonso, Gerard Houarner, Jeremy C. Shipp, Nathaniel Lee, Aaron Worth, and John Hornor Jacobs.

Just a few of the special features include “Return to Castle Rock: An Interview with Stephen King and Richard Chizmar” by Bev Vincent and “Rosemary at 50: An Introduction” by Peter Straub.

Our usual suspects return with new columns by Bev Vincent, Thomas F. Monteleone, Michael Marano, Ellen Datlow, Robert Morrish, and Mark Sieber.

This issue features very different cover artwork is by Ray Dillon and interior artwork by Chris Bankston, Jill Bauman, Glenn Chadbourne, Steven C. Gilberts, Chad Savage, Shane Smith, Erin S. Wells

CD #76

Place your order today so you don’t miss out!

Review: It’s a Weird Winter Wonderland edited by Robert Bose and Axel Howerton

It’s a Weird Winter Wonderland edited by Robert Bose and Axel Howerton
Coffin Hop Press (October 2017)

276 pages, $14.95 paperback; $4.99 e-book
Reviewed by Anton Cancre

Call me a grinch, or whatever. I’m cool with it. I’m just not that into Christmas themed stuff. The fluff and crass commercialism bugs me. At the same time, I love weird stories and I’ve been on a crime kick lately, so I was still drawn to this one.Continue Reading

“The True Story of Christmas” by John R. Little

Cemetery Dance Online Exclusive Fiction
“The True Story of Christmas”
John R. Little

My name is Alexander Malicious of Oz. I am twelve years old, but I was only ten months old when the whole world went kablooey, so I don’t remember any of it. Daddy once told me I had a different name back then, but he won’t tell me what it was. After everybody died, Mom and Dad renamed me. They never told me why.Continue Reading

Walking Alone by Bentley Little: Brand New Book Coming Next Year!

We’re very pleased to announce we’ll be publishing another brand new, original book by Bentley Little next year!

From the mind of the man Stephen King calls “a master of the macabre” comes Walking Alone: Short Stories, a brilliant new collection of no-punches-pulled horror stories, some never-before-collected and many originals that have never been published anywhere before!

Bentley Little can take the innocuous, twist it around, and write a story that will change your way of thinking. Walking Alone: Short Stories is a shining example of his talent to scare you, creep you out, and make you shudder!

Walking Alone

Read more or place your order!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: Weekend Getaway by Tom Deady

Weekend Getaway by Tom Deady
Grinning Skull Press (October 2017)
142 pages; $10.95 paperback, $2.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Weekend Getaway is the new novella by the author of Haven, the 2016 Bram Stoker winner for Superior Achievement in a First Novel. This new work is decidedly different in tone from his debut work, which was a lovely coming of age story. Weekend Getaway has more in common with some of Jack Ketchum’s more graphic works, and it’s every bit as good.Continue Reading

The Listener by Robert McCammon: Starred Reviews and Rave Reviews Are Rolling In!

We all know Robert McCammon is one of the most talented storytellers in the business, and we’re pleased to report the first reviews for his brand new novel, The Listener, are calling the book one of his best to date, which is high praise indeed when you look at his previous works!

PW StarMcCammon masterfully combines historical thriller and supernatural horror in a compelling and suspenseful tale of race, class, and family… This is a violent and gritty tale, but redemption is always possible.”
Booklist (Starred Review)

“At a certain point in The Listener, you just have to hold on for dear life because this tale races to the denouement and you HAVE to know what happens. I recommend shutting yourself in a room for the last 50 pages so you can read it without being bothered. Trust me on this! You will be rewarded with an ending so poignant, yet so perfect and totally satisfying that you might find yourself with a tear in your eye.”
Char’s Horror Corner

“It’s not every day you come across such an intoxicating blend of literary prowess and unapologetic adventure-seeking as what Robert McCammon delivers with The Listener.
— Pete Mesling in his review “Softly Comes but Firmly Stays the Listener”

The Listener

Read more or place your order on our website!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Review: ‘Cry Your Way Home’ by Damien Angelica Walters

Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters
Apex Publications (January 2, 2018)

240 pages, $14.95 paperback; $4.99 e-book
Reviewed by Anton Cancre

I’m hoping by now that you already know who the esteemed Ms. Walters is. The queen of deft, delightfully flowing, yet quietly unobtrusive words, and the wielder of one hell of a wicked blade aimed right at your weak spots, is back with another handful of slender needles to poke holes in the red lump of knotted muscle. It doesn’t disappoint.Continue Reading

Robert McCammon Previews The Listener

Robert McCammon Previews The Listener

The Listener Preview Event
The Alabama Booksmith, Birmingham, Alabama
December 5, 2017
by Blu Gilliand

More than a dozen devoted fans (some driving from more than three hours away) braved a rainy Alabama night to gather at The Alabama Booksmith for a “preview party” for Robert McCammon’s upcoming Cemetery Dance novel The Listener.Continue Reading

Review: Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever: Completely Ridiculous Edition by Tom Neely

Henry & Glenn Forever & Ever: Completely Ridiculous Edition by Tom Neely
Microcosm Publishing (September 2017)

288 pages, $17.,64 hardcover; $11.99 paperback; $5.39 e-book
Reviewed by Anton Cancre

It seems like a silly idea at best. At worst, a bro-heavy homophobic mess masquerading as satire. You take the two loudest, virulently masculine icons of the early Hardcore movement, Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig, and make a series of comics about them in a relationship. Heck, the standard Odd Couple tripe pretty much takes care of itself. Who would have thought it would turn into something much more over the decade-plus long run collected here?Continue Reading

My First Fright featuring Edgar Cantero

I saw Edgar Cantero’s new book Meddling Kids pretty much everywhere I looked this year. On Instagram, Twitter, displayed prominently in both Barnes & Noble locations and independent bookstores (just look at that stunning cover!) The book is often described as, get this, “Scooby-Doo meets H.P. Lovecraft.” That’s some pitch—simple, with recognizable inspirations. I mean, who doesn’t love Scooby-Doo? So with that in mind, I probably should have seen the answer a mile away when I asked him, “What was your ‘first fright’?”

Edgar Cantero is a writer and cartoonist from Barcelona, Spain. He is the author of the punk dystopian thriller Vallvi (2011), The Supernatural Enhancements (2014), and the aforementioned Meddling Kids (2017), which, as of this writing, was nominated for a 2017 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Horror.Continue Reading

Review: The Weight of Words edited by Dave McKean and William Schafer

The Weight of Words edited by Dave McKean and William Schafer
Subterranean Press (December 2017)
248 pages; $40 hardcover
Reviewed by Blu Gilliand

Like all great artists, Dave McKean has a style that is immediately recognizable as his and his alone. His unique visuals have graced everything from comic books (perhaps most notably his eight-year run as cover artist for Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series and his collaboration with Grant Morrison on the graphic novel Arkham Asylum) to album covers. book covers….even stamps. So, what happens when you ask a group of authors to filter that style through their own distinct voices?Continue Reading

Review: A Warning About Your Future Enslavement That You Will Dismiss as A Collection of Short Fiction and Essays by Kit Power

A Warning About Your Future Enslavement That You Will Dismiss as A Collection of Short Fiction and Essays by Kit Power
Amazon Digital Services (November 2017)
268 pages; $2.99 e-book
Reviewed by Frank Michaels Errington

Nearly two years ago to the day, I read and reviewed Godbomb! by Kit Power. It was one of the most amazing books I read in 2015. Now Kit has returned with a collection of short stories and essays which are hard to describe, but I’m willing to give it my best shot here.

A Warning About Your Future Enslavement That You Will Dismiss As a Collection of Short Fiction and Essays covers a lot of ground and is loosely woven together with a story set in a future where most of human history has been forgotten or purposely covered up. A mid-level government employee is doing his best to uncover the truth through a series of stories uncovered in a hidden mainframe.Continue Reading

Tonight, Again by Clive Barker: New UK Edition Limited To Just 600 Copies!

We’re pleased to report we’ll be receiving copies of the new “Limited” trade hardcover of TONIGHT, AGAIN by Clive Barker from SST Publications in the UK!

Just 600 copies are being printed and this special edition includes previously unpublished and never-before-seen illustrations by Clive Barker to go along with his stories!

Tonight, Again

Read more or place your order on our website!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and enthusiasm!