Busy start to the New Year in the Cemetery Dance warehouse, and it’s only going to get busier as 2023 goes along. Stacks of grab bags, mystery boxes, and Later slipcases headed out the door, as well as new titles from Gauntlet Publications, Borderlands Press, and Thunderstorm Books. Next week, we’ll start shipping the SST UK limited edition of Gwendy’s Final Task (an entire pallet of them!), soon to be followed by Robert McCammon’s latest Matthew Corbett novel and Bentley Little’s The Store, both from Lividian Publications.

Our production staff just approved the first finished copies of Bentley Little’s The Summoning and Paul Tremblay’s Disappearance at Devil’s Rock, a pair of brand new entries in Cemetery Dance’s Graveyard Editions. Shipping should begin sometime later this month. We also recently approved the stamping dies and dustjacket proof for Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire, so this classic limited edition should be ready to ship (not including the slipcased copies) by mid-February.

Other Cemetery Dance books currently at the printer in various stages of production include Caretakers (Tabitha King), DMV (Bentley Little), A Face in the Crowd/Longest December (Stephen King & Stewart O’Nan/Richard Chizmar), and Stephen King Revisited — just to mention a few. These titles will hopefully be ready to go in March and April. We plan to spend most of the Spring and Summer catching up on overdue titles from our hardcover list. The Stand (Stephen King) will see print next year, and the final book in the Doubleday Series, Pet Sematary will be announced later in 2024.
Issue #78 of Cemetery Dance magazine is at the printer and should ship during the second half of February. It’s been a long dry spell for the magazine, but we’re determined to change that in 2023 with a brand new staff (look for an announcement soon) in place and several new issues planned.
The Cemetery Dance paperback imprint is going full blazes. The current line-up is an embarrassment of literary riches. Recent titles in stock and shipping include Devil’s Creek (Todd Keisling), Every House is Haunted (Ian Rogers), Dismembered (Jonathan Janz), Sallow Bend (Alan Baxter), Holy Ghost Road (John Mantooth), and Something Stirs (Thomas Smith). Next up is Philip Fracassi’s much anticipated Gothic.
Hey, before I forget…as always, if you’ve pre-ordered a book from Cemetery Dance and grow tired of waiting, please feel free to email [email protected] and request a refund. Mindy or Dan will take gladly care of you.
Our slipcase manufacturer is busy working on custom slipcases for The Gwendy Trilogy and Billy Summers, as well as several other Stephen King titles. In addition, both of our traycase makers are overloaded with Cemetery Dance projects, including the traycases for the lettered editions of The Scream Factory, Usher’s Passing, Night Shift, Interview with the Vampire, and Flight or Fright. Cases are also in the queue for the limited and lettered editions of Gwendy’s Final Task.
Keep an eye out for future production updates on the Cemetery Dance website. I’m old and forgetful and tend to get things wrong from time to time. Mindy, Dan, Kevin, Billy, and Megan are much younger and smarter.
As Cemetery Dance enters our 35th year of publishing, we remain extremely grateful for all of your support and enthusiasm. I’ve said it many times over the years, and I couldn’t mean it any more than I do today — Cemetery Dance readers are the absolute best.
–Richard Chizmar