Review: American Rapture by C.J. Leede

cover of American RaptureAmerican Rapture by C.J. Leede
Tor Nightfire (October 2024)
Reviewed by Chandra Claypool (Instagram) (TikTok)

 A virus is spreading across America, transforming the infected and making them feral with lust. Sophie, a good Catholic girl, must traverse the hellscape of the midwest to try to find her family while the world around her burns. Along the way she discovers there are far worse fates than dying a virgin.

 Let me just say that I’ve heard about C.J. Leede from just about everyone I know who reads the same genres that I do. First, it was about Maeve Fly (which is on my to-be-read list) and then this beautifully covered read, American Rapture. After turning the last page, not knowing my breath had been held for so long, I can certainly see why this book has become so popular, so quickly.

Are you tired of pandemic-centric reads after COVID and the many books that came out about plagues and viruses since? Well, get over it and get your hands on this beauty! Get to know Sophie, because she will take a hold on your heart and never let go. While I tend to get involved with the characters that I read, sometimes some stick more than others and Sophie certainly did that. However, if I’m being truly honest, the character that just *barely* made it above her ranking was the amazing dog that totally captured my heart. Barghest, why are you such a good boy?!

As the synopsis states, Sophie is a good Catholic girl. Her parents keep her and her twin brother, Noah, pretty isolated from the world. Sin and temptation are everywhere and they are just getting to find out about all of it as they are well into their teens and things are… well, starting to change and that means there are more questions than answers now as they navigate these new feelings churning within. Sophie has no idea how beautiful she is or how the now tight-fitting uniform is affecting the boys (and some girls) around her. Then this virus hits and people are going insane with lust and attacking people. Raping them on the streets. Fornicating and sinning in broad daylight for all to see! Now Sophie is alone and her parents are gone. She needs to find Noah and her journey to do so brings her into the fold of some amazing people and terrifying situations. She finds herself growing up very quickly and learning that Catholicism and her God may not be all they’re cracked up to be.

I just could not put this book down. I was involved, addicted and needed know what was going to befall Sophie, and of course, the legendary Barghest. Every character she encountered was crucial to her next moment. At one point, I had my hands covering my mouth and was blinking back tears because I was reading this while having Christmas with my family and I will NOT cry in front of them!

A part of me hopes we get a follow-up from the author because I’d love to see where it goes from here. But another part of me thinks maybe well enough should be left alone because it is beautiful just the way it is. This is so much more than a virus making people sexually feral with bloody delight. This is a young girl, growing up so quickly and realizing that everything she thought was right…may just not be. Yes, there’s a lot of mention of religion. Maybe that’s what kept me from this read a bit since I am not (religious). However, if that is what may be holding you back as well, fear not. This is worth every single letter of every word on every page. Go forth and read greatness.

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