Review: Night of the Long Knives by Tyler Jones

cover of Night of the Long KnivesNight of the Long Knives by Tyler Jones
Earthling Publications (December 2024)
Reviewed by Dave Simms

Another Earthling Publications book, another head-spinning tale that combines several genres and spits out a brutal novel that lingers like a scar on the soul.
Tyler Jones is already known as a smart writer, able to weave together the best and worst of society, along with heavy themes, while never letting them weigh down the pages. In Night of the Long Knives, he combines a thriller with grief horror (which has become a massive trope in the genre lately), true crime, and the supernatural. That’s a lot to blend, but Jones nails it. This reviewer is not a fan of hard-hitting grief in fiction at all — life’s too depressing as it is! However, it works here without smothering the reader in that sadness and loss.

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