The Cemetery Dance Interview: Rowan Hill

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photo of author Rowan Hill
Rowan Hill

Californian born, Australian raised, world traveled, Rowan Hill puts her doctorate in Applied Linguistics to devastating purpose throughout her tales of science fiction and terror. Author of the A Dark Witch series and damn near too many short stories to count, Hill has most recently published her debut collection, No Fair Maidens From Earth To Mars. I caught up with Hill in between adventures to chat with her about her Journal Stone/Trepidatio publication and asked her to guide us on a tour of the vast and wonderous worlds swirling within her muse and to show us the sights no matter the dangers that await us. Hill was all too eager to oblige as she opens up about the process of collecting stories with strong woman characters and how they cope with absolute isolation, lethal environments, and vicious outcomes despite their best intentions. Continue Reading