Corinna Bechko Discusses Her BLOOD TYPE

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photo of author Stacy Cain
Corinna Bechko
(Photo by Stacy Cain)

Blood Type, which will be hitting stores this summer from Oni Press, is the first time the EC Comics line is offering a standalone, serialized horror series. Its seed was the short story “Blood Type” in Epitaphs from the Abyss, and now writer Corinna Bechko has the opportunity to expand on what she created. Cemetery Dance spoke with Bechko about how Blood Type is getting its own series, why she feels at home in horror, and what it’s like working on an EC property.Continue Reading

Review: The Order of the Circle by Levi Cory, Elisabeth Mkheidze, Maria Letizia Mirabella and Eva de la Cruz

banner that reads The Comic Vaultcover of The Order of the CircleThe Order of the Circle by Levi Cory, Elisabeth Mkheidze, Maria Letizia Mirabella and Eva de la Cruz
Dead Sky Publishing (February 2025)
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Levi Cory is a new graphic novelist fresh off the farm. With a degree in Playwriting and studies in film and theater, Levi brings a deep understanding of narrative structure and character development to their work. They have written and directed films and TV shows such as Living… and In addition to their work in film and TV, Levi has authored several written works, including The Comfort of The Womb, Robbing Stupidity, and The Sick Rose. Their playwriting has earned significant recognition, including a Texas Playwright Award. Known for blending deep thematic exploration with innovative narrative structures, Levi continues to captivate audiences across both written and visual media, pushing creative boundaries with each new project. Cory’s newest book, The Order of The Circle, is available on Dead Sky Publishing.Continue Reading


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cover of Plague HousePlague House, a new comic from writer Michael W. Conrad and artist Dave Chisholm, will drop its first issue on April 2, and it’s described as “a deep and disorienting reinvention of the haunted house genre.” Cemetery Dance spoke to both writer and artist about their work on this comic, what Conrad discovered about himself while writing, and Chisholm’s longtime love of horror.Continue Reading

Alisa Kwitney is Ready to HOWL

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cover of HowlAlisa Kwitney’s new five-issue comic series Howl has a title that references the Allen Ginsberg poem that became a Beat generation anthem — and the alien howl given by the pod people in the 1978 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Kwitney spoke to Cemetery Dance about her new science fiction horror story, the influence of her mother Ziva and science fiction writer father Robert Sheckley, and about her time as an editor at DC Comics.Continue Reading

Review: Night People by Barry Gifford, Chris Condon, Brian Level, and Alexandre Tefenkgi

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cover of Night PeopleNight People by Barry Gifford, Chris Condon, Brian Level, and Alexandre Tefenkgi
Oni Press (February 11, 2025)
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Barry Gifford’s novel Night People was awarded the Premio Brancati, established by Pier Paolo Pasolini and Alberto Moravia, in Italy. He has won awards for fiction from the writers guilds in America and the United Kingdom, a BAFTA, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, among others. His books have been translated into more than 30 languages. His film credits include Wild at Heart (winner of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival), Lost Highway, City of Ghosts, and The Phantom Father.

Chris Condon is the low-down dirty scoundrel behind the ongoing Image Comic series That Texas Blood and its acclaimed Wild West spinoff, The Enfield Gang Massacre, both with artist Jacob Phillips. He waded deep into bayou waters to adapt Barry Gifford’s Night People for Oni Press and has not been the same since.Continue Reading

Mike Mignola Goes BOWLING

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cover of Bowling with CorpsesHellboy creator Mike Mignola is ushering in 2025 with a brand-new anthology of folklore-inspired stories, Bowling with Corpses. Labeled as “weird, wicked and whimsical” by publisher Dark Horse Comics, this collection sees Mignola writing and illustrating stories featuring sorcerers, pirate girls, the undead and more. Mignola is joined on the project by long-time collaborator Dave Stewart on colors, along with letterer Clem Robins.

Mignola answered a few questions for Cemetery Dance about the new project. Stick around afterwards for a few pages from Bowling with CorpsesContinue Reading

Exclusive Preview: The Order of the Circle

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cover of The Order of the CircleThe Order of the Circle by Levi Cory is described as an “occult/revenge/love story set in 1950s London.” The graphic novel will be published February 18, and in the meantime, Cemetery Dance is able to show an exclusive B&W early preview.

Cory said in a quote to Cemetery Dance, “When I saw [artist] Elisabeth [Mkheidze]’s work for the first time I knew it would fit perfectly for the story. She has this gothic flow inherent in her style, so when we talked about these dark horror elements she knew exactly how to bring the world to life. The book’s art is stunning. Elisabeth knows how to capture emotion with her work, so the character of Dorothy seems to grow right out of the page and into my imagination. And then, you throw Eva [de la Cruz]’s colors into the mix; the mood comes through, that gothic feeling is set, and the tone of the book hums like a well-oiled machine.” 

Please enjoy the following preview!Continue Reading

Review: Shadowplay (Book 1): Midnight School by Samuel Fonseca

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Shadowplay (Book 1): Midnight School by Samuel Fonseca
Top Shelf Productions (February 11, 2025)
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Sam Fonseca has been drawing comics since he discovered that the anime he watched on TV as a child came from manga — and that it was possible to create all that stuff by himself using paper and pencil (still his tools of choice). Nowadays, he alternates duties between art direction, storyboard art, script writing for animation and TV projects, and creating comics. His comic project Age of Rust was nominated three times for the HQMix Prize, and his other title, Dynamite & Laser Beam, won in the “best webcomic” category. Sam also has the strange hobby of creating soundtracks for his comics. His newest collection is the dystopian nightmare, ShadowplayContinue Reading

Meet Marco Finnegan’s Undead Detective

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cover of Calavera, P.I. Cartoonist Marco Finnegan’s love of film noir and pulps led him to creating Calavera, P.I., about an undead murdered detective who comes back on Dia de los Muertos. Not only will Detective Juan Calavera have to solve a new crime, he also needs to find out who killed him. Finnegan spoke with Cemetery Dance about the use of Mexican folklore in the graphic novel, his horror influences, and what he would like people to take away from his newest work.Continue Reading

Review: Leviathan Volume 1 by Shiro Kuroi

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cover of Leviathan Volume 1Leviathan Volume 1 by Shiro Kuroi
Abrams Comic Arts (October 29, 2024)
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Shiro Kuroi is a rising star manga author who lives in Toyko, Japan. Leviathan is his first international serialized work, which has been published simultaneously in France and Japan. Highly praised for his character writing and illustration, Leviathan went on to become one of the top 10 bestselling new manga titles in France, and he has already received international attention online from manga fans hoping for an English release of his work. Fortunately, the wait is over, as Leviathan, Volume 1 has finally arrived. Continue Reading

Comics legends Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones resurrect Dracula

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cover of Dracula: Book II --- The BridesDracula: Book II — The Brides by writer Matt Wagner and artist Kelley Jones is the sequel to Dracula: Book I — The Impaler, and is currently on KickstarterGrendel writer Wagner and Jones had been meaning to work together for a while, and finally found an opportunity with the world’s most famous vampire. Cemetery Dance spoke to Wagner and Jones about what went into this comic, how it builds on the first book, and their process for working together.Continue Reading

It’s Judgement Day for….Archie Comics?

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Since 2015, the iconic Archie Comics has delved deep into a dark new world with Archie Horror, including with their premium event Archie Comics: Judgment Day. Cemetery Dance spoke with editor Jamie Rotante about Judgment Day, how Archie works in the world of horror, and the character archetypes that allow them to be in different scenarios.Continue Reading

Exclusive Preview: Archie Comics Gets Dark with CURSED LIBRARY #2

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cover of Cursed Library #2
Cover illustration by Craig Cermak

In recent years Archie Comics has dipped its toes into creating horror stories around the iconic characters. Cemetery Dance is getting an exclusive sneak peek at the next issue of Archie’s Cursed Library mini-series by Eliot Rahal and Magdalene Visaggio, including the public’s very first look at demonic Reggie.

Artist  Craig Cermak said, “Drawing the monstrous versions of each character might be the most enjoyable part of working on Cursed Library! I can get weirder and more expressive, much more freeing than the standard versions, though they’re fun, too!”Continue Reading

Cullen Bunn Reigns Over THE AUTUMN KINGDOM

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cover of The Autumn Kingdom #1
Cover by Daniel Vega

After The Sixth Gun and Invasive, Cullen Bunn is back with another horror comic. This time around it’s The Autumn Kingdom, which mixes horror and fantasy. The first issue drops on September 4 thanks to Oni Press, and Bunn spoke to Cemetery Dance about his similarities with the author in the comic, his combination of horror and fantasy, and what he enjoyed most about writing it.Continue Reading

Review: Hide: The Graphic Novel by Scott Peterson and Kiersten White

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cover of Hide: The Graphic NovelHide: The Graphic Novel by Scott Peterson and Kiersten White
Ten Speed Graphic (September 2023)
240 pages; $24.95 paperback
Reviewed by Joshua Gage

Kiersten White is the New York Times bestselling, Bram Stoker Award-winning, and critically acclaimed author of many books, including The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, the And I Darken trilogy, the Slayer series, the Camelot Rising trilogy, and her adult debut, Hide. Kiersten lives with her family in San Diego, where they obsessively care for their deeply ambivalent tortoise, Kimberly. Her novel, Hide, was recently adapted to graphic novel format by Scott Peterson. Continue Reading