Night Time Logic with Tod Goldberg

Night Time Logic with Daniel Braum

“Horror and Noir,” “The Pain of Memory,” and “Eight Very Bad Nights”

photo of author Tod Goldberg
Tod Goldberg

Night Time Logic is the part of a story that is felt but not consciously processed. It is also the name of this interview series here at Cemetery Dance and over on my YouTube channel.

Through in-depth conversation with authors this column explores the night time part of stories, the strange and uncanny in horror and dark fiction, and more.

My short story collection with Cemetery Dance is titled The Night Marchers and Other Strange Tales in homage to Aickman and his kind of stories that operate this way. It can be found here.

I spoke with New York Times Bestselling Author Tod Goldberg about his work, including the recently released anthology Eight Very Bad Nights from Soho Press.

We began our conversation about the relationship between horror and noir fiction.Continue Reading