Jack Ketchum

His first novel, Off Season, prompted the Village Voice to publicly scold its publisher in print for publishing violent pornography. He personally disagrees but is perfectly happy to let you decide for yourself. His short story "The Box" won a 1994 Bram Stoker Award from the HWA and his story "Gone" won again in 2000.
He has written many novels, including Off Season, Red, Ladies' Night, and The Lost.
His stories are collected in The Exit at Toledo Blade Boulevard, Broken on the Wheel of Sex, and Peaceable Kingdom.
His latest two releases from Cemetery Dance are Joyride and Old Flames.
More projects are in the works.
Books by Jack Ketchum
Chapbooks Featuring Jack Ketchum
eBooks by Jack Ketchum
Anthologies Featuring Jack Ketchum
Magazines Featuring Jack Ketchum