The Terror at Miskatonic Falls, edited by Kevin Lucia
- Editor: Kevin Lucia
- Artist: Stephen Gilberts
- Page Count: 160
- Pub. Date: January 2024
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-917-9
About the Book:
This January, winter has fallen hard on the small Massachusetts town of Miskatonic Falls. The icy wind has brought more than ice and snow, however. It has brought something ancient, alien, and evil. As the temperatures drop and the snow drifts build, a creeping horror crawls over the town and its inhabitants, pulsing an insistent mantra into their slowly unraveling minds: The Long Man Cometh.When the end comes, it does so swiftly, silently, and goes unnoticed.
Until a lone state trooper is sent to investigate a strange phone call from somewhere in the small town. When he reaches Miskatonic Falls, however, he finds no people. No answers.
No hope.
Nothing, except dozens of scrawled, carved, and painted verse, scattered everywhere: In homes, churches, carved on trees and telephones poles, in diaries, and on the hoods of abandoned cars. Leading not only to an old manor on a hill overlooking the town - but also, perhaps, madness.
Over 30 contributors unveil an intimate look at the last surviving moments of a town gone mad, revealed through a bloody trail of scraps of verse. Read at your risk, dear traveller...
Because the Long Man is coming.
Published as an oversized, 8 X 11 trade paperback:
• Printed on 60# acid-free paper
• Full color cover artwork and 37 black and white
illustrations with full-bleed backgrounds
• Retail price $25.00
Kevin Lucia's short fiction has been published in many venues, most notably with Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, David Morell, Peter Straub, Bentley Little, and Robert McCammon. His first novel, The Horror at Pleasant Brook, is forthcoming from Crystal Lake Publishing, October 2023.
“Attetnum,” “Claws” and “Howls,” by Adam J. Whitlatch
“Canto I: Ventum Veni, The Madness Comes,” by Scott Christian Carr
“17,” by Brian Hardin II
“Him,” by Mark Steensland
“Drew Black,” by Rachael Saltzman
“Snow Days,” by Kurt Newton
“Whispers Through Glass,” by Kurt Newton
“Biology Lesson,” by Michael Arnzen
“Tyson Sparrows,” by Mercedes Murdock-Yardley
“Jump Rope Chant,” by Mercedes Murdock-Yardley
“Clarity,” by Michael Clifton
“Bright as Life, Cold as Death,” by Kurt Newton
“End Times in Miskatonic Falls,” by Sheldon Higdon
“Father O'Doul's Confession,” by Anoynmous
“Mother,” by Brian Rosenberger
“The Gutter Priest,” by Patrick Rutgliano
“What is wrong with me?” by Mark Milhalko
“Of Bourbon and Bones,” by Brian Rosenberger
“Bitter’s End,” by Bill Durfy
“Cries of Madness,” by Brian Hardin II
“Dozens Just Like This,” by Brian Hardin II
“Bonfire Hymn,” by Patrick Rutgliano
“The Mechanic’s Poem,” by Bill Durfy
“Closing, Early,” by Stephanie Layng
“End of Watch,” by Justin Seeds
“The Frenzy,” by Rich Ristow
“Nothing Happens,” by Robert Brouhard
“Taipei in Duress,” by Anton Cancre
“Open Diary on 70 Miskatonic Falls Lane,” by Gail Peterson
“Canto II: Ventum Dilato, The Madness Spreads,” by Scott Christian
“Two Dead Witnesses,” by Brandon Layng
“Forever,” by Steve Vernon
“Cellar,” by Anoynmous
“Breaking the Ice,” by Anonymous
“In the Attic,” by Stephanie Layng
“Your Bride Waits For You, Now,” by Brian J. Hatcher
“Screams,” by Peggy Christie
“Shadows,” by Michael Clifton
“Parade on Main Street,” by Brian Hardin II
“Cabin Fever,” by Anton Cancre
"I Cannot Leave this Place," by Barry Napier
“b home soon,” by Robert Brouhard
“Next Door,” by Daniel Pyle
“I Know What I Know,” by Justin Seeds
“Cellar Beast,” by Jonathan Pinnock
A Mother's Fear,” by Kim Alfano
“Strength,” by Mark Mihalko
“Nightfall and Broken Promises,” by Glen Krisch
“Brandon’s Snow Date,” by Ryan B. Clark
“Deidre Builds a Fire,” by Ryan B. Clark
“Red,” by Craig D. B. Patton
“Just Walk,” by Michael Clifton
“Susan Carroll,” by Craig D. B. Patton
“Final Exam,” Katherine Sanger
“Snowed In,” by Ryan B. Clark
“Robert Carroll,” by Craig D. B. Patton
“One Way Out” by Brian Rosenberger
“Sickness,” by Gene Stewart
“Paul J. Jones,” by Mercedes Murdock-Yardley
“The Long Man's Call,” by Jason Keene
“Dementia,” by Pamela K. Kinney
“Canto III: Ventum Voro Nos, The Madness Consumes,” by Scott
Christian Carr
"One of the most unique, rewarding, and scary
experiences I've had in a Lovecraft-styled universe, The Terror at Miskatonic Falls is a remarkable and immersive fusion of poetry, prose, and art. The variety of poetic voices on display perfectly capture the concept of a doomed town collectively inspired by a terrifying cosmic muse. The frame story and textured page designs intensify the reader's sense of discovery as they enter the book's mysterious abandoned world. An unforgettable experience."
--Norman Prentiss, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of In the Porches of My Ears, Odd Adventures with your Other Father, and
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