Short of Breath: A Halloween Short Story (eBook)
- Author: Trent Zelazny
- Page Count: 15
- Pub. Date: October 31, 2012
- Status: E-Book
Short of Breath: A Halloween Short Story
by Trent Zelazny
About the eBook:
Ian Cain has finally had enough of his wife's extramarital affairs. The way he sees it, she's brought this all on herself. And what better time to even the score than on Halloween? But, as the old saying goes, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry...
(This year Cemetery Dance Publications is gathering a collection of the horror genre's finest authors to pay tribute to our favorite holiday. Watch for the other stories in the series by Joe R. Lansdale, Stewart O'Nan, Ray Garton, Simon Clark, Norman Prentiss, Kealan Patrick Burke, Ed Gorman, Lisa Morton, Brian James Freeman, and many others.)
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Trent Zelazny is the Nightmare Award-winning author of To Sleep Gently, Destination Unknown, Fractal Despondency, Shadowboxer, The Day the Leash Gave Way and Other Stories, A Crack in Melancholy Time, Butterfly Potion, and Too Late to Call Texas. He is also the editor of the anthology Mirages: Tales From Authors of the Macabre. He was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has lived in California, Oregon, Arizona, and Florida. He also loves NBA basketball.