The Collection
- Author: Bentley Little
- Artist: Elderlemon Design
- Page Count: 480
- Pub. Date: September 17, 2018
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-466-2 (Trade Paperback)
- Status: In-Stock
Stephen King calls him "A master of the macabre!"
The Collection
by Bentley Little
Also available as an eBook!
About the Book:
How far would you go with a hitchhiker who'd left behind an unimaginable trail of horror and destruction?
How would you feel if your father's new bride was something dredged up from the bowels of hell?
What would you do if you discovered an old letter suggesting one of America's Founding Fathers had been a serial killer?
This is The Collection, thirty-two stories of hot blood and frigid terror that could have come only from the mind of Bentley Little!
Published as a trade paperback:
• Printed on 60# acid-free paper
• Featuring full color cover artwork
• Retail price $18.99
Bentley Little was born in Arizona a month after his mother attended the world premiere of Psycho. He received his BA in Communications and MA in English and Comparative Literature at California State University Fullerton. His Master's thesis was the novel The Revelation, which was later published and won the Bram Stoker Award in 1991. Since then, he has written many more novels and his work has been translated into seven different languages. Several of his novels have been optioned for film. You can see the complete list of his books published by Cemetery Dance Publications on his author page.