Thrill (eBook)

Thrill (eBook)

  • Author: Patricia Wallace
  • Page Count: 383 pages (estimated)
  • Pub. Date: December 1, 2014
  • Status: E-Book

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by Patricia Wallace

About the eBook:
It was an amusement park like no other in the world. A tri-level marvel of modern technology enhanced by the special effects wizardry of holograms, lasers, and advanced robotics. The brainstorm of billionaire developer Sheldon Rice, The Park catered to the luxury market of jet-setters, celebrities, yuppies, and others who could afford its high price tag for a week of dazzling space-age rides and spectacular interactive games.

Nothing could go wrong — until it did. As the crowds swarmed through the gates on Opening Day to sample the record-breaking delights of the dazzling Death Spiral or the delicious terror of The Graveyard, they were unprepared for the disaster that was about to strike. A disaster rooted in evil and built on darkness. Rich and poor, young and old would be taken for the ride of their lives, trapped in a game of epic proportions where only the winners survived...

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Patricia Wallace is the author of many novels including Thrill, Monday's Child, The Children's Ward, Water Baby, Lullabye, See No Evil, Twice Blessed, Only Child, The Taint, Traces, and Fatal Outcome.

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