Treats for Adeline: A Halloween Short Story (eBook)
- Author: Elizabeth Voss & Peter Tackaberry
- Page Count: 15
- Pub. Date: October 31, 2012
- Status: E-Book
Treats for Adeline: A Halloween Short Story
by Elizabeth Voss & Peter Tackaberry
About the eBook:
Craving a true scare on Halloween, sisters Harper and Adeline dare to go trick or treating at the lone house on the bluff. Whispered rumors have it that for those who can make it—through the darkness and past the dogs—the lady there offers the most unusual treats. When the sisters' bravery is rewarded with a choice, younger Adeline grabs a handful of ordinary candy. But Harper is tempted by mischief. If Harper accepts the more unusual treat, is she prepared for the most unusual consequences?
(This year Cemetery Dance Publications is gathering a collection of the horror genre's finest authors to pay tribute to our favorite holiday. Watch for the other stories in the series by Joe R. Lansdale, Stewart O'Nan, Ray Garton, Simon Clark, Norman Prentiss, Kealan Patrick Burke, Ed Gorman, Lisa Morton, Brian James Freeman, and many others.)
Elizabeth Voss is the author of The Winslow Incident, a tale of ghosts, madness and other strange happenings in the remote mountain hamlet of Winslow, Washington. (Five Star Mystery Series; a 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award Nominee for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense). Her short story Hawkin Rhone appears in Cemetery Dance #68. She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and co-author Peter Tackaberry. Together, they are at work on a second novel. There will be ghosts. Visit her on the web at www.elizabethvoss.com