Wetware: On the Digital Frontline with Stephen King
- Author: Kevin Quigley
- Page Count: 48
- Pub. Date: April 2010
- Status: Out of Print
Wetware: On the Digital Frontline with Stephen King
a chapbook by Kevin Quigley
About the Chapbook:
Stephen King has long been at the forefront of experimental publishing. As the world grows more digital each day, King has consistently remained on the edge of breakthrough trends and technology, finding new ways to publish and interpret his stories. King's digital journey has been strange and fascinating. Wetware is your guide.
From the prehistory of King’s involvement with digital media such as The Dark Half video game and F13 to his online release of the lost work, The Cannibals, Wetware covers it all — in a concise and engaging pocket history. Explore the controversy surrounding King's online serial publication, The Plant. Relive the groundbreaking excitement of King's landmark e-book publication, Riding the Bullet. If you ever engaged in interactive fiction with The Mist, were intrigued by the Kindle-only release of UR, or terrified by the motion comic N., Wetware is essential reading.
Note from the Publisher:
This chapbook has a GLOSSY cover like Sepsis by Graham Masterton and is not part of the promotional chapbook line.
"Not only is Kevin Quigley a good writer, he has also managed something that is almost impossible today in his book Wetware: On the Digital Frontline with Stephen King. He has managed to find an angle to King’s work that hasn’t been explored in a book already. He has found a subject for his book that feels new and unexplored."
— Lilja's Library, liljas-library.com
"With incredible research and superb writing, Quigley takes a look at a side of Stephen King that no one has really looked at before. I mean, we all remember the sensational eBook Riding the Bullet and the equally cool (but ultimate failure of) The Plant. But does anyone remember The Mist Text Adventure Game? Or Stephen King’s F13? Nope, didn’t think so. That was all before my time and learning about them, and many other King web exploits, was a sheer delight and an absolute pleasure... Quigley writes with a graceful pen; though non-fiction, Wetware reads well and swiftly... Quigley writes so well, and looks at an area of King that no one else has really touched, that I would gladly have read a book twice or even three times as long."
— Jamieson Wolf, jamiesonwolf.blogspot.com
Kevin Quigley's website, Charnel House has been a premiere Stephen King resource for nearly fifteen years. Charnel House was the first website to feature full-length reviews of every Stephen King book; today, it also includes up-to-date King news, a section focused on books about King, and a comprehensive listing of unpublished and uncollected shorter works. Quigley is also the author of two previous chapbooks on King — Chart of Darkness and Ink In the Veins — and co-wrote the upcoming Stephen King Illustrated Movie Trivia Book. In addition to his works on King, Quigley is also the author of several novels, and has recently published a collection of poetry, Foggy At Night In the City. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts with his partner, Shawn.
Published as:
• Chapbook with glossy cover ($10)