The Winslow Sisters, by Michael Aronovitz
- Author: Michael Aronovitz
- Artist: Kealan Patrick Burke
- Page Count: 332
- Pub. Date: February 2024
- ISBN: 978-1-58767-948-3
"Aronovitz loves to make you
suffer...through his honed knives of words and handy power tools
of plotting structure. You will love it too. Eventually. Once
you get past the terror of it all." - Horrorzine
About the Book:
Serial killer Michael Leonard Robinson murdered thirteen college coeds in early 2018, impaling them on flagpoles and leaving them on highway construction jobsites for the purpose of “haunting the dawn rush hour.” Police called him “The Scarecrow Killer,” until he revealed in an otherwise cryptic note left for police on March 13th, 2018, that he thought of his “dolls” more as “sculptures.”It was believed that The Sculptor killer perished in a massive explosion at the Mount Airy Forge in North Philadelphia at the stroke of midnight, July 18th, 2018. Authorities recovered a foot in a rubber slush boot and one arm in the blast area. They could not find the rest of the body.
Last night, widower Professor Brad Winslow read a disturbing paper turned in by one of his students who had so far attended the Zoom class with the camera off. Most of the “paper” was smut, yet it did not have a college freshman’s feel to it. There was a cruel joy here, as if the author was a damaged yet seasoned adult expecting the reader to find the dark writing poetic. Then, was the conclusion paragraph:
Professor Winslow, I have been watching your darling daughters: Sage, the artsy tenth grader, Jody the eighth-grade tomboy, and Esther the spoiled seven-year-old, bless her heart. Here is the deal. Go to the police and I will skin the girls to the bone one square inch at a time with an X-Acto blade and a pair of splinter forceps tweezers. It will be live-streamed. You will be duct-taped to a chair with your head in a vice and your eyelids sewn open. Or . . .The Winslow Sisters will be my pawns, while you, Professor, will be my Treasure Hunter, Snake Catcher, Lord of the Worms. My new accomplice.
Published as a trade paperback:
• Printed on 60# acid-free paper
• Featuring full color cover artwork
• Retail price $19.99
Michael Aronovitz writes the Bio/Reviews and Press releases for the rock and heavy metal label Eclipse Records. He is a college professor of English and lives in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania with his wife Kim.
Reviews to come!