Ray Garton

Ray Garton is the author of over forty books, including the classic vampire novel Live Girls, the thriller Sex and Violence in Hollywood, the horror novel Scissors, and three short story collections, with two more to come. He also has written a number of young adult novels under the name Joseph Locke.
He lives in far northern California with his wife Dawn and their eight cats, where he is currently at work on his next book, Dismissed from the Front and Center, a comedy about his two years at a Seventh-day Adventist boarding academy.
In 2006, Ray received the World Horror Convention Grand Master Award at the World Horror Convention in San Francisco.
His latest two releases from Cemetery Dance are The Folks 2 and Serpent Girl, which Publishers Weekly describes thusly: "This intense tale of real-life horror may remind some readers of Dostroyevski's Crime and Punishment... Garton speeds the violent, X-rated action to its bleak, foreordained climax."
His long collection Slivers of Bone, featuring two original novellas, was published by Cemetery Dance.
More exclusive projects with Cemetery Dance Publications are on the way.
Books by Ray Garton
Chapbooks Featuring Ray Garton
eBooks by Ray Garton
Anthologies Featuring Ray Garton
Magazines and Comics Featuring Ray Garton